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Application form Galatea Art Price

The Galatea Foundation only processes applications submitted digitally via the online application form below.

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Artist information

Birth date
Are you a Dutch 'status holder'?

Artworks information

Please provide below only the title, material and sizes of 5 artworks. NOT the photos of the artworks!!.

Photos of these artworks should be sent separately to: See below 'Send documents and files'.

Send documents and files

To complete your application you have to provide the following documents (not in Word): CV and Motivation in PDF, Artworks in JPG (max 2 MB):

  1. A letter of motivation (PDF)

  2. A concise CV (PDF)

  3. Picture artwork 1 (JPG, PNG)

  4. Picture artwork 2 (JPG, PNG)

  5. Picture artwork 3 (JPG, PNG)

  6. Picture artwork 4 (JPG, PNG)

  7. Picture artwork 5 (JPG, PNG)

You can send these documents to:

  • Please include your name in the name of the documents.

  • Include your name but also the title of the artwork with the artworks.

Applications that are not fully completed (or with incomplete documents submitted) will not be considered.

Art beyond borders


  • Being professionally active 

  • Completed professional training

  • You have a recent past as refugee (max 8 years)

  • You live in the Netherlands

  • You are available to be present in the Dordrechts Museum from time to time during the duration of the exhibition **


**In the exhibition, the artists will be portrayed through a video/photo portrait. The artists must be present in the museum several times for this, among other things. Any travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Deadline application

The deadline for submitting the application form including cover letter with attachments is 1 th of November 2024. 

For more information, please contact the Foundation at

 Applications we will not consider:

  •  Relating to artistic expressions in the field of dance, theatre and film.

  •  Relating to travel and accommodation expenses.

  •  Artists born and raised in the Netherlands.



The jury checks whether the aforementioned admission requirements are met, assesses the artists' motivation and the quality of their artworks, and selects a limited number of participants for the exhibition on this basis. This number depends on the physical possibilities of the space available for the exhibition. 

The selected artists are offered an exhibition where recent work can be shown. From these, a prize winner is then chosen by the jury. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the assessment and decision-making of the selection committee.

For an application, please consider the following: 

  1. Your application must fit within the objectives of our foundation. If in doubt, contact the foundation at 

  2. You can only submit 1 application per year (12 months).

  3. You must complete the application form in full, i.e. without references to correspondence.

  4.  You must have a Dutch bank account number.

  5. Accommodation costs are generally not eligible

  6.  Only individuals are eligible for the award. 

  7. In addition to filling in the application form, you should send the following documentation:

    • A short letter of motivation (max. 1 A4) 

    • A short CV (max. 2 A4)

    • Documentation of already completed projects and/or catalogue of your work: at least five images of recent work should be included.

  8. When participating in the exhibition at the Dordrechts Museum, a choice will be made from existing work by the artist (as submitted with the application).

  9. All participants in the exhibition should mention the name of the Galatea Foundation in relevant news items and on their CV.
    Download the Galatea Foundation logo here.


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